Tuition is based on the Acol bidding system, the most widely used system in New Zealand.
Tutor:  Douglas Russell 
Read about Douglas Russell here

Tuesday Evening Supervised Play 2024 (for members only)

7:15pm to 9:15pm - 8 weeks: 6 August - 24 Sept 

Cost: $52 click here for enrolment and payment details


Tuesday Evening Improvers' Course 2025

7:15pm to 9.15pm - (dates to be confirmed)

A highly esteemed course over 10 weeks - includes comprehensive notes, quizzes, and practice hands.
Cost: (to be confirmed)


Tuesday Evening Beginners' Course 2025

7:15pm to 9.15pm - (dates to be confirmed)

A highly esteemed course over 12 weeks - includes comprehensive notes, quizzes, and practice hands.
Cost: (to be confirmed)


To enrol in a course please contact Heather Richards
Email:     Phone:  021 028 34811